概要:A: I am eager to deliver brightness of our nation. I have no fear because so many elites aassist me .I will hold the military parade and we must depart next week! I sure my father will agree with me. In addition, I will sentence Antonidas!U:恕臣多说两句。陛下,目前我们国家经历过一次与野兽搏斗的大战,又在大工程上耗费巨资。好不容易减轻赋税徭役,国家才刚有起色就不问是非穷兵黩武,这样做是自取灭亡啊!另外,安东尼达斯是我的好朋友我相信他不会胡言乱语,他也是我们提供技术的总工程师,这样临阵斩将是兵家大忌啊!U: please let me share my tips. My majesty, our kingdom went through a war with beast so far and
原创英语话剧本:洛丹伦的陷落,标签:英语短剧大全,http://www.85jc.comA: I am eager to deliver brightness of our nation. I have no fear because so many elites aassist me .I will hold the military parade and we must depart next week! I sure my father will agree with me. In addition, I will sentence Antonidas!
U: please let me share my tips. My majesty, our kingdom went through a war with beast so far and spent much time and money in establishing projects. If we take military action without considering whether it is reasonable or not when we haven’t completely settled down the taxes and slavery policy, we just suicide. Apart from that, Antonidas is my good friend and I trust him. I don’t believe he told a lie. He is an important engineer majoring in military technology, so if we kill the leader of army when we faced with enemy, it could arouse a serious problem.
A: that doesn’t make sense. Is it I that ruin the kingdom of Lordaeron? I love my people and I just hope to cut the grass of hazard in order to bring happiness to our people as soon as possible!
U: I am guilty! What you have said can decide everything. But if we eager for something extremely, we will fail to got this. Please take the wish of people into considerations. Please consider again and again and again!
A: shit. I have made up my mind, no one who don’t obey my mind will survive
U: You are a restless young man!
A: you dare to insult me! You and Antonidas have to do a deed of merit with guilt since today in spite of your loyalty.
U: my majesty! I am loyal to king al the time
A: needless to say
Chapter two
Narrator: thus, under the approval of king, the prince led an army without not much preparation. Uther was the general while Antonidas was Lieutenant. When they went across a small town, the disaster army was pressing on them fiercely
U: my majesty. We are in danger and we are in the siege of foe
A: all rebels are fake tiger. You must take the high technology troops invented by Antonidas to reinforce us and I will take hold the front
U: But, my majesty. You are the future of kingdom!
A: a hero can not hesitate when he face the danger. Don’t let me down.
U: WUWU… I will spare no efforts to contribute to the kingdom even if I have to die. I will come back 30 minutes later
A: hurry up
M:Search and destroy!