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  1. 大学英文话剧剧本The Love Story(5人)

  2. [08-22 13:08:14]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  英语短剧   阅读:8978

概要:The Love Story英语话剧剧本The Love Story两人在公交车上相遇,大学生的爱情故事。爱情,就要简简单单。人物DexterBenjaminNewVanessaJames——————————————————————————–Scene I(On the bus: Benjamin, James, and Vanessa all took the same bus. Benjamin saw Vanessa. But Vanessa didn’t pay any attention to him the only person she cared about was James.)Benjamin: Oh, my God! This is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.Vanessa: Gosh! He’s my Mr. Right. (Stared at James)James: What a nice weather today!(Vanessa gazed

大学英文话剧剧本The Love Story(5人),标签:英语短剧大全,http://www.85jc.com

The Love Story英语话剧剧本
The Love Story








Scene I

(On the bus: Benjamin, James, and Vanessa all took the same bus. Benjamin saw Vanessa. But Vanessa didn’t pay any attention to him the only person she cared about was James.)

Benjamin: Oh, my God! This is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.

Vanessa: Gosh! He’s my Mr. Right. (Stared at James)

James: What a nice weather today!

(Vanessa gazed at him till James got off the bus.)


Scene II

(At school: James rushed to class. New carried a pile of books. James accidentally ran into New and then New’s books dropped. James helped her pick up all the books. New blushed and looked at him. After she thanked James, she ran away. Meanwhile, James saw a piece of exam paper on the floor; he was so surprised that she got a zero.)


Scene III

(Dexter and New walked on the hallway and New carried a lot of stuff.)

Dexter: Are you tired? Would you like to drink蠻牛?

New: Oh! Thank you, darling you’re so thoughtful! You’re my Prince Charming.

(James appeared, he was astonished when he saw New and Dexter walking hand in hand. Vanessa stared at James on the corner. She found that James liked New.)

Vanessa: No way! Thing’s are not supposed to be like this. James likes New? It can’t be real.


Scene IV

Benjamin kept asking Vanessa out on dates for the whole week. But her answer was always “No”. One day, Benjamin received a letter from Vanessa. It said, “In fact, I like James. It’s no use to waste your time.”

(At this time, the background music: “You were not here” by Lee Hom. Benjamin knelt down and cried……)


Scene V

(James gave the test paper back to New.)

James: Here, this is your test paper you left behind when we first met. (He took out the test paper.)

New: Man, oh! I’m so embarrassed.

James: Well, last Tuesday I saw you walking hand in hand with a boy. He’s your boyfriend, isn’t it?

New: Uh, well uh, but.

James: But what?

New: Nothing.

James: Would you like to go out with me now?

New: Oh! Sure. I’d love to.

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