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  1. 英语口语比赛剧本:My happy family

  2. [08-22 13:08:14]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  英语短剧   阅读:8556

概要:英语口语比赛剧本:My happy familyMy happy familyA:李B:刘C:余D:邵E:黄F:谷A(旁):I have a happy family.There are six people in my family.They are my grandma、father、mother、brother、sister and me,Look!My grandma is in the living room.She is threading,My mother is in the kitchen,She is cooking a big dinner for us.My brother、father and sister are in the study,My father is reading newspaper,My brother is doing his homework.C:Oh! Dad,This questionis very difficult.I Can’t do it.B:Let me see,

英语口语比赛剧本:My happy family,标签:英语短剧大全,http://www.85jc.com
英语口语比赛剧本:My happy family
My happy family
A(旁):I have a happy family.There are six people in my family.They are my grandma、father、mother、brother、sister and me,Look!My grandma is in the living room.She is threading,My mother is in the kitchen,She is cooking a big dinner for us.My brother、father and sister are in the study,My father is reading newspaper,My brother is doing his homework.
C:Oh! Dad,This questionis very difficult.I Can’t do it.
B:Let me see,This question is easy.This way 、、、、、、You know.
C:OK!Dad,I see.
E:Where are glasses?
F:Let me help you,Oh!It is on the table.
E:Thank you!
D:Oh!My god!
AF:What’s the matter,mom?
D:The plate is broken.
AF:Let’s help you,let’s sweep the floor.
D:Thank you! Be careful your fingers.
D:let’s have a big dinner.
ABCEF:It’s tasty,Yummy yummy!
结尾:We have a happy family,We always help each other,Do you have a happy family?Tell me,Please.
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