- [11-19 23:24:30] 来源:http://www.85jc.com 英语教学随笔 阅读:8874次
概要:要打铃了。How many minutes are there to go? 还有几分钟?How long is there to go ?How much longer have we got ?There are still five minutes to go(until the bell goes).(离响铃)还有五分钟。The bell will ring in five minutes.There goes the bell. 铃响了。There’s the bell.Is that the first bell or the second bell? 是预备铃还是上课铃?The second bell has rung / gone. 上课铃响了。Readiness 准备就绪It is nearly time for class. Hurry up! 就要上课了,快点!Come on./ Step on it! 快点,快走。Quick! The bell is ringing. 快点!铃响了。You’d bett
How many minutes are there to go? 还有几分钟?
How long is there to go ?
How much longer have we got ?
There are still five minutes to go(until the bell goes).(离响铃)还有五分钟。
The bell will ring in five minutes.
There goes the bell. 铃响了。
There’s the bell.
Is that the first bell or the second bell? 是预备铃还是上课铃?
The second bell has rung / gone. 上课铃响了。
Readiness 准备就绪
It is nearly time for class. Hurry up! 就要上课了,快点!
Come on./ Step on it! 快点,快走。
Quick! The bell is ringing. 快点!铃响了。
You’d better hurry. 你最好快点。
You’d better get a move on.
Hurry up, or you’ll be late. 快点,不然,你就要迟到了。
There goes the bell. I’m just in time. Let’s go in. 正响着铃呢,我们正赶上。我们进去吧。
Hurry up so that we can start the lesson.快点,我们就开始上课了。
Please / Let’s get everything ready for class. 请把上课用品准备好。
Be ready for class. 准备上课。
Class is about to begin. 就要上课了。
Are you ready for class? 准备好了吗?
Are you ready to begin ? 准备开始吗?
Have you got everything ready for class ? 上课用品准备好了吗?
It’s time to start now. 该开始上课了。
Let’s start our lesson now, shall we ? 我们现在开始上课好吗?
Now we can get down to . . . 我们可以开始。。。
Let’s get started.我们开始吧。
I hope you are all ready for today’s English lesson. 我希望你们都作好了上今天的英语课的准备。
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