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  1. 七年级下册Unit 2 Wheres the post office? 教学设计(3)

  2. [11-19 23:05:00]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  英语教学经验   阅读:8666

概要: 【小编寄语】www.85jc.com英语网小编给大家整理了七年级下册Unit 2 Where's the post office? 教学设计(3),希望能给大家带来帮助!Teaching Goal:1.General aims:A.Ask for directions on the streetB.Give directions on the street2.Particular aims:A.Language Focus.(1)Ask the way on the avenue.(2)Show the directions on the street.B.Language goals(1)Is there a bank near here?Yes, there's a bank on Center Street.(2)Where's the supermarket?It's next to the library.(3)Is there a pay phone in the neighbor

七年级下册Unit 2 Wheres the post office? 教学设计(3),标签:教学经验,http://www.85jc.com


  【小编寄语】www.85jc.com英语网小编给大家整理了七年级下册Unit 2 Where's the post office? 教学设计(3),希望能给大家带来帮助!

  Teaching Goal:

  1.General aims:

  A.Ask for directions on the street

  B.Give directions on the street

  2.Particular aims:

  A.Language Focus.

  (1)Ask the way on the avenue.

  (2)Show the directions on the street.

  B.Language goals

  (1)Is there a bank near here?

  Yes, there's a bank on Center Street.

  (2)Where's the supermarket?

  It's next to the library.

  (3)Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?

  Yes, it's on Bridge Street on the right.

  (4)Go down off the Fifth Avenue.

  (5)Take a walk straight.

  C.Language structures:

  (1)Special question with where

  (2)There be ….(pay attention to be singular or plural)

  (3)Preposition with position

  (4)Sentence with yes.

  D.Useful words and phrases:

  Words: hotel, bank, park, supermarket, street, avenue, new, clean, quiet, big, small, dirty, old, busy, left, right, near, pay

  Phrases: post office, video arcade, next to, pay phone, across from, between…and, turn left / right, go straight, take a walk, excuse me, go through, take a taxi, arrive at / in

  E.Grammar language:

  (1)There be …

  (2)Where is the place?

  (3)Position preposition

  F.Learning strategies:

  (1)Using what you know

  (2)Inferring content





  H.Emotion and manner:


  (2)Help others

  Teaching time: 6 periods

  Teaching procedures:

  Period One (p7)

  Step 1 Warming up


  First wish the class have a happy, healthy new year.

  2.Warming up

  What do you do during the Spring Festival?

  Step 2 Presentation


  For example: (say to myself)

  I go to Nanping Park.I go down the Shanhu Avenue, There is a hotel, a bank, two pay phones and so.Turn left and go straight to the Jiefang Street.It's on my right.

  Draw a picture and write down some places on the blackboard as I am talking.

  2.Teaching the new words.

  Post office, video arcade, pay phone, bank, supermarket, hotel, library, street, straight, turn, left, right

  Step 3: Practice

  1.Ask students to act out about turn left / right.(each team every time, at last only one who wins gets a award.)

  2.Section A 1a reading

  Ask Ss to read the places and match the words with the pictures.

  3.Guess the place where I am.

  For example:

  I am standing here.(point to the picture)Go down Bridge Street and turn left at the first crossing.Go along Fifth Avenue.It's on my right.It's next to library.Where am I going?

  Show them in the screen.

  4.Ask Ss to follow the conversation above and complete the conversation.

  5.Have the line in the classroom as the street and desks as the buildings and practice the conversation above.

  (1)Teacher tells four students each time to act out, others judge if they walk in the street correctly.

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