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  1. 三年级英语Unit 6 At The Zoo 第一课时教学设计

  2. [10-10 23:11:39]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  英语教学经验   阅读:8177

概要:She / He has big eyes and a small nose.She / He has long / short hair.She / He is happy.[设计意图]操练时采用先扶后放,优生起榜样作用的方法,带动全班同学运用所学的新知进行交流,从而巩固新知,形成技能。因为有个体的差异,让学有余力的学生知道怎样描述自己、他人和小动物。四、Add-activities小结:出示下面两句话。让学生与动物交朋友,但同时要注意保护自己。Animals are lovely. we should love animals.Animals are our good friends. But sometimes they are dangerous, so we must be careful.[设计意图]在英语课中渗透爱护、保护动物和自我保护的意识。【板书设计】Unit 6At the ZooIt's so big.It has a long nose and a short tail.I have big e

三年级英语Unit 6 At The Zoo 第一课时教学设计,标签:教学经验,http://www.85jc.com

  She / He has big eyes and a small nose.

  She / He has long / short hair.

  She / He is happy.




  Animals are lovely. we should love animals.

  Animals are our good friends. But sometimes they are dangerous, so we must be careful.



  Unit 6 At the Zoo

  It's so big.

  It has a long nose and a short tail.

  I have big eyes and a small mouth.

  He / She has small eyes and a big mouth.

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