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  1. 高中英语说课稿:《Lesson Plan for Around Our Schoo》优秀说课稿

  2. [10-10 23:11:39]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  英语说课稿   阅读:8817

概要:II. Task–introduction & Task–acknowledgementThe teacher is going to inform the students what they are going to do in this lesson and what their final outcome will be.— A girl named Anne visited the blog and she left a letter. Are you interested in writing her back?— In today’s class we are going to read her letter and write her a letter back.The students are going to be informed what they are going to do in this lesson and what their final outcome will be. At the sa

高中英语说课稿:《Lesson Plan for Around Our Schoo》优秀说课稿,标签:说课稿,http://www.85jc.com

II. Task–introduction & Task–acknowledgement

The teacher is going to inform the students what they are going to do in this lesson and what their final outcome will be.

— A girl named Anne visited the blog and she left a letter. Are you interested in writing her back?

— In today’s class we are going to read her letter and write her a letter back.

The students are going to be informed what they are going to do in this lesson and what their final outcome will be. At the same time they are going to be encouraged to size up the tasks, as well as themselves.


III. Pre-reading task: to predict the possible content of Anne’s letter

The teacher is going to help the students form the schemata by a discussion of the following question betweet partners.

— Before we open the letter, can you predict what she might write in her letter?

The teacher wirtes the following two patterns on the Bb if necessary to set up a scaffold before the pair work:

? She will tell us …

? She wants to know …

and takes down the possible guesses and also the questions on the blackboard after the pair work.

1. The students are going to predict the possible content of Anne’s letter.

2. The students are going to work in pairs. Each pair will either give a sentence to predict what she might write in her letter or will think of a question Anne may ask.

3. Some pairs of students are going to tell what they predict.


IV. While-reading task: to read for information needed

1. The teacher designs some questions to help the students pick out the things Anne talked about and questions she raised already, and to encourage them to reason some presumption.

— What did Anne write in her letter?

— What did she ask in her letter?

— What are the things she doesn’t talk about? Why not?

— Is this a first letter or not?

— What are the questions you think is polite to ask in your reply letter?

2. The teacher will go around the class to observe, help and monitor while the students work in pairs or in groups.

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