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  1. 高中生英语作文IamsadButIwillwalkout作文300字

  2. [12-13 16:56:49]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  高中英语作文   阅读:8499

概要:am sad in these days.I failed in filling in the College Entrance Examination Application.An important sfultep, but I failed,And wrestled.I do not know how to express my mood.Feeling sad and sorry and I m really hurt deep inside. Though things like these www.85jc.com,I will walk out of shadow.Because I think the world is beautiful and I will successful.


 am sad in these days.I failed in filling in the College Entrance Examination Application.An important sfultep, but I failed,And wrestled.I do not know how to express my mood.Feeling sad and sorry and I m really hurt deep inside. Though things like these www.85jc.com,I will walk out of shadow.Because I think the world is beautiful and I will successful.

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