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  1. GOSHOPPING作文250字

  2. [12-13 16:43:06]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  小学英语作文   阅读:8614

概要: GO SHOPPINGM:Let us go shopping!B: Ok!mother?L: Ok!Milk and Bll.M and B: Great!M: I want to buy a car! What are you want to buy?B: I want to buy an English book!L: Let us go to that car shop!M: I want to buy this car, Mother!L: Ok! Now, let us to library!B: Oh mother , I like this book!L: OK!



  M:Let us go  shopping!

  B:   Ok!mother?

  L:   Ok!Milk and Bll.

  M and B: Great!

  M:   I want to buy a car! What are you  want to buy?

  B:   I  want to buy an English  book!

  L:    Let us go to that  car  shop!

  M:   I  want  to  buy  this car,  Mother!

  L:   Ok!  Now,  let us to library!

  B:    Oh  mother  , I  like  this  book!

  L:    OK!

Tag:小学英语作文小学英语作文范文,小学五年级英语作文英语作文 - 小学英语作文

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