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  1. 英语话剧剧本:孔雀东南飞

  2. [11-20 01:21:40]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  英语短剧   阅读:8402

概要:Wonders Every Five Miles孔雀东南飞Liu Lanzhi : Laura . Jiao Zhongqing : Peter . Liu’s mum : HelenJiao’s mum : Rex . Liu’s brother : Hale . Matchmaker : DaizyAside : SushiAct 1A:(深情,悲哀)The peacock and peahen fly to the southeast.(孔雀飞过,背景音乐1:枪声,孔雀应声倒下)(J上台,潇洒状)J: Hey,buddy!(对观众)Do you know who I am?(扇子打开:焦帅!)I live a happy life cause I have a great wife. Liu Lanzhi. (L上场,围裙,贤惠状)I love my wife so much and my wife love me too. We are just a perfect match! (L下场,帮J放衣服)But ever


Wonders Every Five Miles


Liu Lanzhi : Laura . Jiao Zhongqing : Peter . Liu’s mum : Helen

Jiao’s mum : Rex . Liu’s brother : Hale . Matchmaker : Daizy

Aside : Sushi

Act 1

A:(深情,悲哀)The peacock and peahen fly to the southeast.



J: Hey,buddy!(对观众)Do you know who I am?(扇子打开:焦帅!)I live a happy life cause I have a great wife. Liu Lanzhi. (L上场,围裙,贤惠状)I love my wife so much and my wife love me too. We are just a perfect match! (L下场,帮J放衣服)But everything has its imperfection so as our duteous love. My mum is quite unsatisfied with Liu Lanzhi and I don’t know why!Here she is.(J下场)

JM(拄拐棍上):Liu Lanzhi! Liu Lanzhi! Come out!!

L:(锅铲,围裙) I'm here! What's the matter, mum?

JM: I've told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful, graceful and dearest mother-in-law”.

L: OK. My most beautiful, graceful and dearest mother-in-law, what's up? (端茶送水捶背按摩)

JM: Since you married my son you have behaved so badly. You have been so rude, so brusque, so lazy……

L: But……

JM: Never interrupt me! You've been so selfish, so silly, so unsophisticated……


J: (打断JM) Mum! Why are you so unsatisfied with my dear wife? I have no ability to be rich any more. But I still feel greatful for god to present me with such a virtuous wife! We deeply love each other. We promised that we would still be a couple after death. Our marriage has just lasted for 3 years. And my wife has nothing wrong. So why are you so annoyed with her?

JM: How can you be so shallow that you actually speak for her! An impolite women! I have been filled up with pent-up anger for so long! (生气后突然态度转温和) The other way around there is a lovable and charming girl in the neighbourhood named Qin Luofu. Let me propose a marriage for you! And you ought to chase Liu Lanzhi away as soon as possible!

J: Oh my greatest mother! If I have no alternative but to leave Lanzhi, I won’t be married for the rest of my life!

JM: (极其愤怒,大捶床) You! Disobedient son! Ah ah. My cardiopathy! (开始慢慢走下台)I am wrong. I am wrong. I shouldn’t marry your father at first. If I didn’t marry him, I won’t be so disappointed to have a son like this. If I haven’t got a son like this, I will have a daughter who will listen to me…… (无尽的自言自语,L从另一边上场,拖箱子,出走状)[教育城外语网推荐更多:美文欣赏 英文剧本 ]

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