概要: 1.Many people are not enough to rely only on their own, to survive. -- Napoleon人多不足以依赖,要生存只有靠自己。——拿破仑2.Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on.--Maxwell Maltz缺乏自信,就好象没拉手刹地在人生道路上行驶。---麦斯威尔·莫尔茨3.There is nothing sexier than being confident and taking care of yourselves. 充满自信,爱护自己,魅力无以过之。--碧昂斯.4.Kolumb discovered a world, but did not use charts, he is in the sky to clear up doubts "faith". -- Santa Yana哥伦布发现了一个
1.Many people are not enough to rely only on their own, to survive. -- Napoleon人多不足以依赖,要生存只有靠自己。——拿破仑
2.Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on.--Maxwell Maltz缺乏自信,就好象没拉手刹地在人生道路上行驶。---麦斯威尔·莫尔茨
3.There is nothing sexier than being confident and taking care of yourselves. 充满自信,爱护自己,魅力无以过之。--碧昂斯.
4.Kolumb discovered a world, but did not use charts, he is in the sky to clear up doubts "faith". -- Santa Yana哥伦布发现了一个世界,却没有用海图,他用的是在天空中释疑解惑的“信心”。——桑塔雅娜
5.Confidence doesn’t need any specific reason. If you’re alive , you should feel 100 percent confident.自信不需要理由,生活应该保持100分的自信
6.Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.---Sam Walton 杰出的领导人特例独行不随大流.相信自己,你会惊奇于自己无所不能。---山姆沃尔顿
7.You have to be first, best or different.—— Loretta Lynn你只能是第一,或者最好,或者与众不同的。—— 琳恩大帝
8.The firm confidence, can make the ordinary people, to make amazing career. -- Martens坚决的信心,能使平凡的人们,做出惊人的事业。——马尔顿
9.Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on.缺乏自信,就好象没拉手刹地在人生道路上行驶
10.Can make me float in the mud of life without depression sewage, is my confidence. -- Dante能够使我飘浮于人生的泥沼中而不致陷污的,是我的信心。——但丁
11.Have the confidence of the people, be small as the great, the mean into the magic.——Bernard Shaw有信心的人,可以化渺小为伟大,化平庸为神奇。——萧伯纳
12.Self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a strong character.自信和自力更生是坚强品格的柱石。