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  1. 小学英语词汇趣谈 I am broke 我没钱了

  2. [10-10 23:11:39]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  英语教学总结   阅读:8741

概要:I am broke 我没钱了One day when I was walking in the school corridor, Anna ran over to me and said, "I’m broke. May I ...?" I thought she might have fallen somewhere and was injured, so I hurriedly supported her with my hands and asked her, "Are you OK? Do you want me to send you to the clinic?" She felt a little puzzled, but then she said , "I’m ok. I’m broke. May I borrow some money?"I assumed that she wanted to borrow m

小学英语词汇趣谈 I am broke 我没钱了,标签:教学总结,http://www.85jc.com
I am broke 我没钱了
One day when I was walking in the school corridor, Anna ran over to me and said, "I’m broke. May I ...?" I thought she might have fallen somewhere and was injured, so I hurriedly supported her with my hands and asked her, "Are you OK? Do you want me to send you to the clinic?" She felt a little puzzled, but then she said , "I’m ok. I’m broke. May I borrow some money?"
I assumed that she wanted to borrow money to go to hospital to see a doctor, so I responded quickly, "Let me help you to call an ambulance to the hospital."
Not until then did she realize that I had not understood what she meant. She told me that "I’m broke" meant, "I’m penniless." I suddenly saw the light too.
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