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  1. UnclaTomsPetStore作文350字_初中作文

  2. [12-10 20:31:09]   来源:http://www.85jc.com  初三作文   阅读:8529

概要:Do you like animals? Do you want to have a pet? Yes! I think you will like a pet. The pet is people’s good company. My pet store have many different pets in Tom’s pet store. They are cute and unusual. And my pet store have cats, dogs, goldfish, rabbits and hamsters. If you buy it. You will have a good pet and good friends. They are easy to take gore of. They are beautiful and friends. If your child feel lonely you should buy a pet for your child.

Do you like animals? Do you want to have a pet? Yes! I think you will like a pet. The pet is people’s good company. My pet store have many different pets in Tom’s pet store. They are cute and unusual. And my pet store have cats, dogs, goldfish, rabbits and hamsters. If you buy it. You will have a good pet and good friends. They are easy to take gore of. They are beautiful and friends. If your child feel lonely you should buy a pet for your child.  

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