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  1. Cebas finalRender Stage SP7

  • 下载名称:Cebas finalRender Stage SP7
  • 下载类型:Maya插件
  • 下载方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:08-25 20:14:58
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  • 下载次数:6585
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:9.21 MB
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《Cebas finalRender Stage SP7》下载简介

( 波士顿– August 9th, 2007) 3ds max 插件程序开发商 cebas Computer GmbH日前正式发布finalRender Stage - 2 Sp3 for Maya版本。


在官方提供的开发进度页面中公布了finalRender Stage - 2 for Maya的开发进度, 由于Maya社区对该版本渲染期的期望极高,cebas也一反从前的做法,将信息在软件开发过程中同步公开。finalRender Stage - 2 for Maya页面将在新特性和修复变化或项目完成关键阶段时即时更新。

应用于Maya上的超级渲染器,可以支持大部分maya的shader,可以自己写shader,另外还能把renderman或者MR的shader转到 FR里面渲染。

Service Pack 3 for Maya

Welcome to Service Pack 3 for finalRender Stage-2. In our ongoing desire to serve the needs and expectations of our customers, cebas Computer will periodically release Service Packs for finalRender Stage-2 to enhance features and stability for your production usage. It is strongly recommended that you always keep your software up to date with these Service Packs.

Please be aware that all of the prior Service Pack fixes are included within this latest version of the software and you do NOT need to install all of the patches in order to become current. Simply installing the SP3 build will give you all of the updates, fixes and enhancements.

What's New in SP3?

This Service Pack offers fixes along with many new features and enhancements. For example, the compatibility with Maya 8.5 has been enhanced and Maya 8.5 features are now more efficiently supported.

The translator part of finalRender Stage-2 for Maya has been completely reworked and optimized for speed. Translation times are now much faster than before, especially on dual core systems! A speed-up of two times or even four times can easily be seen. Also, the scene translation is much faster than before when hidden objects are present in the scene!

Now, more Maya features are supported than ever before. Raytraced translucency, for example, a standard Maya feature, is now fully supported by finalRender. Also texture filtering is now much better and Bump2D and Bump3D has been enhanced so that it is 50 percent faster than before. "Render All Layers," a standard Maya feature, is now supported as well. Check out the following improvements and additions!

150% more FREE rendering power!

The license model has been adjusted and now supports 10 processors either in local or in distributed rendering mode, instead of only 4 CPUs, which was the default in previous builds.

finalRender Primitives

SP3 comes with many extensions and additional tools helping the artist to achieve effects that are hard or impossible to create in Maya with the standard tools. fR-Procedural offers one special finalRender object that can be created with a simple mouse click. This object serves as a "container" for other objects or groups.

A perfect use for this feature is to use this object to create thousands or even millions of objects inside of Maya and still keep the modeling viewport interactive and responsive. By instancing this object you can easily create thousands of objects without any memory overhead in finalRender! The fR-Procedural object itself has no real geometry or mesh definition it just serves as a container.


Geometry Shader

For the first time, with the introduction of geometry shaders, finalRender Stage-2 for Maya offers fully procedural objects that only exist at render time. The big advantage of using procedurally created objects at render time lies in the light weight modeling of huge and complex scenes. Geometry shaders also offers the advantage of "unlimited" resolution. Because the geometry is created at render time with a formula, it will always be perfect. In the case of a sphere, for example, you will never see any coarse or rough silhouettes or artifacts.

The procedural floor is perfect for typical "presentation" scenes where an object sits on a floor and a skylight creates attractive smooth shadows. The procedural sphere object can be a time-saver in many situations where spheres or hemispheres are needed in masses.

fR-Architectural Material


This new complex material is not only good for creating realistic materials that appear in the real world environment, but it can also easily create advanced translucency effects and blurry reflections or refractions. It comes with a huge improvement in rendering speed for these types of effects and will easily become a virtual "Swiss Army Knife" for all complex material tasks in Maya.

fR-Light Material


Click image to view animation

Turn any object into light on a material basis with fR-Light, now available in SP3. This is a very flexible and versatile way to bring lighting to your scene. True area light, with flexible area, envelopes any form so that any geometry can be a real true area light. This includes true area shadows from the object's form. fR-Light offers complete flexibility to mask light or apply noise shaders to distort the emissions just by having a material to adjust!

RE and Post FX

finalRender now supports ReelSmart motion blur velocity information. Just choose ReelSmart as an option in the mode menu!

New Compound Custom Render Element



finalRender Stage-2 offers one of the best render elements systems or "render passes" for Maya. To add even more flexibility, new custom render element nodes were added to this service pack. It is now much easier to create your own render elements or render passes with a new compound custom render element.

Radiance Shader Input

Service Pack 3 of finalRender Stage-2 now has an additional shading group attribute that enhances rendering speed when complex GI setups or material shading networks are used.

fR-Metal and fR-Glass Material Updates

The special purpose materials fR-Metal and fR-Glass have been updated in this release. New advanced options allows for much deeper control over the raytracing core when using these materials.

  , 大小:9.21 MB

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